Jonus 2012 June 23, Saturday 21:04
I was just about to start writing a script for level 9 brutality but I just figured it out. You don\'t need to brute force. Good luck!
Jonus 2012 June 23, Saturday 20:35
Any hints for level 9. Is their a port open on the server (telnet/ftp or something), is their some server vulnerability. If you don\'t give me hint I am going to brute force your web server,.. is that what you want?
_p2_ 2012 June 23, Saturday 20:10
I\'m stucking in level 2 :P
I found out: uzer = ozzy pswd = osburn user = Hacker007 slp = hyundai user = super_hacker password = dont_look_here
But it asks me for the values \"pass\" and \"uzr\"
I chacked th whole surce for those values multiple times, but never found them...
May someone please give me a hint?
Arunava 2012 June 22, Friday 16:43
any clue for level 8
JamesBond 2012 June 21, Thursday 22:56
Not exactly hacking, but certainly very fun.
icertys 2012 June 17, Sunday 19:17
Fuck level 10
Razer 2012 June 16, Saturday 03:03
Message to Admin : if you are escaping symbols as \' don\'t put a \\ before them. It looks ugly. If you\'re using python for this sort of thing try saying something like r\'string here\'. the r will basically say \" Ignore all the escaping we do by putting \\ in front of characters \"
Razer 2012 June 16, Saturday 03:01
Can\'t extract the swf from level 4 ... Imma try later. Time for some sleep.
Razer 2012 June 16, Saturday 02:31
Level 3 Hacked , fianlly.. Had problems with Chrome
Razer 2012 June 16, Saturday 01:15
Level 2 Hacked
Razer 2012 June 16, Saturday 01:07
Level 1 Hacked
josan420 2012 June 15, Friday 16:57
i\'m bignner. when i click on begin it ask me password. how can i get it
andre008 2012 June 11, Monday 16:56
please how do i go around level 3
BlackDeath12 2012 June 11, Monday 02:22
Ferro 2012 May 30, Wednesday 19:04
bitte schnell um passwort
read 2012 May 22, Tuesday 23:25
I NEED HELP WITH level 8, what is the username and password????? HELP ME PLEASSE
Jeffrey 2012 May 6, Sunday 06:45
is the level 9 still possible??? i cant find any way to hack level 9
Jeffrey 2012 May 6, Sunday 06:40
haha got it, at lvel 9 now :D
Jeffrey 2012 May 5, Saturday 19:48
stuck at level 7, dont know where to get substring b :/
Anthea 2012 May 4, Friday 00:41
Hi guys Whatsapp for a fun time 25 F Joburg plus27731547783 or plus27718500112 lessthanthree