zeQuark 2007 November 9, Friday 18:05
Hi, I am currently at level 8, and I'd just like to know what's a good decompiler programm for free. (got to find the offset of the user and the pass, I guess, but where ? I dont want 2 try every combination }:-) Thx Great site zQ
Intermediate 2007 November 6, Tuesday 04:59
how do u hack php?
im beginer pls help me 2007 November 6, Tuesday 01:12
is one hacker who want to learn me to hack my e mail is [email protected] pls help me
Aivis 2007 March 4, Sunday 21:08
Cool project, by the way good job :D
lawyer 2007 February 28, Wednesday 23:05
hacking the sites like this is like to say whole life insurance quotes, and have nothing to do with that... is it not stupid enough to understand that all these sites does high damage to internet community. It's just not like fixed equity loans in USA or somewhere else... It's like car crash or something in internet society... best regards, folks.! All in all i like this site, and I'm stuck in fifth level.
tar 2006 December 29, Friday 20:34
can you try me i want to know how can do it
dinn 2006 October 11, Wednesday 09:04
give me clues...pls.........
dinn 2006 October 11, Wednesday 08:41
anybody can teach me how to hack?i'm a beginner
justice 2006 September 14, Thursday 23:55
hwo can help me learn how to hack
poyti_2002 2006 April 6, Thursday 17:34
life cycle is permanenet
BK 2006 March 1, Wednesday 07:17
Level 3 is a bitch. I feel extremely stupid
somebody 2006 January 6, Friday 23:10
all lvls works just u need to know how to hack,its simple but u have to have a good eye on source,or whatever...
NSD 2005 December 30, Friday 04:03
hi all! You cool people!
SnIt 2005 December 29, Thursday 20:14
IF you thik tha this is a copy off try2hack.nl so just hack all levels. they all work i just did it AGIAN 5minutes agoy.so is pass and login dont mach that means that tyou a looking in wrong please:0 the are a lot of badd pass and logins, JUST that you think that chalenge dont work;) JUST HACK AND HEVE FUN
mAK5 2005 November 23, Wednesday 10:55
Hi! LammS.
mAK5 2005 November 23, Wednesday 10:54
a 2005 November 6, Sunday 23:19
Hello. Nice to see that you have RIPPED OFF http://www.try2hack.nl
Twitch` 2005 November 6, Sunday 23:18
Hello. Nice to see that you have RIPPED OFF http://www.try2hack.nl
Twitch` 2005 November 6, Sunday 23:17
Hello. Nice to see that you have RIPPED OFF http://www.try2hack.nl and have fun with ur challenges that dont work.
Paranoiac 2005 October 23, Sunday 05:48
Me all levels in mmmm 10 minutes