.::[ Try to hack ]::.


Your word:

Den 2015 October 18, Sunday 12:55

To attempt pass Level_5 we have to use some program which is not compatible my System Type. ( I have 64bit and the program used 32)
Please advice where i can take the 64bit


MinnieMouse 2015 October 12, Monday 06:10

I am a beginner at this. Please help me start with level 1. Thank you

elrurador 2015 September 30, Wednesday 17:13

Halp pls

ryan 2015 September 15, Tuesday 00:17

hi, i want learn abaout computer, can you help me

worst 2015 September 9, Wednesday 18:50

Take that

BlackHat 2015 August 9, Sunday 12:26

Heyy level to

Asshole 2015 August 6, Thursday 11:08

Asshole started Here

toto 2015 August 2, Sunday 02:21

Level 2 is broken, can\'t acces to the webpage.
Can someone fix this please ?

jacko 2015 July 30, Thursday 03:24

done with lvl 2 at lvl 7 now.. Ignore Passwords.. They just there to fool you... Look closely at java code.. There is information there that takes you to next lvl...

Phitz 2015 July 28, Tuesday 18:06

Level 2 looks broken, it doesn\'t provide any an error message that it\'s the wrong password or correct password. The chat on here is not working either.

Jacko 2015 July 26, Sunday 21:56

Trying to get by lvl 2.. I\'ve looked through code and see lots of username/passwords but looks it all a misdirection.. Can anyone provide help??

Rhozlid 2015 July 24, Friday 00:32

how i can start the level 1 ?

AA 2015 July 23, Thursday 11:16

trying to hack the level 2 ... anybody help

navu 2015 July 22, Wednesday 19:50


parm 2015 July 22, Wednesday 19:49


k 2015 July 22, Wednesday 12:19

Ah, and one more thing, the result is just a part of the full URL, you must get the URL of a level first (the easiest way is to open level 1 in a new tab). Look at the URL, and you will find out which one should be replaced

k 2015 July 22, Wednesday 12:16

@red: Extract the file first, then open it with ANY editor you have (even notepad). Try entering an arbitrary user/pass, this will give you an error message. Then search in the editor for the message when you enter a wrong user/pass. Hope this help.
P.S: I prefer text editor to hex editor =))

red 2015 July 14, Tuesday 03:23

any help on level 5 will be much appreciated.. I tried opening it with Hex editor but the link is not making any sense.

hi 2015 June 22, Monday 05:57

culo indeed

buci0 2015 June 12, Friday 14:26


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